Tuesday 16 October 2012

Social Security Card Identity Theft: Legal Help to Protect Social Security Theft

Identity theft is the fastest-growing crime in America, affecting 9 million people each year. Criminal identity theft has legal repercussions, but they aren’t a tough enough deterrent and need to be harsher. It is shockingly easy to steal someone’s identity and then use it to open credit card accounts, take out loans, or even buy a car. The following information will give you the heads-up on identity theft along with some thoughts on how to prevent it from happening to you.

·         Social Security Number Theft
·         Monitoring Identity Theft
·         How to Prevent Becoming an ID Thief’s Victim
·         Utilize a Free Legal Advice Service such as Legal-yogi

Social Security Number Theft

Theft of Social Security number(s) is just one of the ways an ID thief gets your information. Once he has your SS number, he can get the rest of your personal data and use it for his own gain. Most often, the theft of your SS number is committed by a friend or relative, so be very careful who you share it with. If it happens to you, contact the Social Security office nearest you to learn what to do about it.

Monitoring Identity Theft

There are companies out there that offer identity theft monitoring, but do some research before choosing one to work with. They tell you that if you give them your Social Security number, notifying you of suspicious identity activity is just an e-mail away. These services offer to watch the Big Three credit reporting companies (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax), your cell phone activity, and public information to protect your identity. Of course, these services are not free; they usually charge $10 - $20 a month. Make sure to look over client feedback portions of prospective companies’ websites so you can get a good idea of whether or not they’re effective if you decide to use them.

How to Prevent Becoming an ID Thief’s Victim

Here are some common-sense ideas to encourage Social Security identity theft protection. Remember that once a thief has that number, he can access your other personal info, so follow these suggestions. Do not carry your SS card on your person; leave it in a secure place. If you must carry it with you, keep your wallet in your front pocket or carry your purse across your body so it’s more difficult to grab and run with. Shred all documents that might have your SS number or credit card information, don’t throw them in the trash. When shopping, cover your credit card numbers so no one can steal them by looking over your shoulder.

Utilize a Free Legal Advice Service such as Legal-yogi

We at Legal-yogi have a plethora of information regarding identity theft, and we’d like to share it with you. Your initial consultation is free, so contact us soon for sound legal advice.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Preventing ID Theft With Professional Help

In spite of stiff criminal charges for Identity theft, statistics show that it is the fastest growing crime in the United States.  Many people consider it to be a crime that only involves accessing someone’s bank or credit accounts, and while that is certainly one form of identity theft, it has extended to such areas as newsocial security number identity theft, Criminal Identity theft, and even child identity theft.  Here are some things you should know about identity theft:

·         Types of Identity Theft
·         Signs You Might be a Victim of Identity Theft
·         Help Preventing ID Theft

Types of Identity Theft

1.       Financial Identity Theft: theft of personal information such as credit or bank information for the purpose of financial gain.
2.       Medical Identity Theft: Someone seeking medical attention under your name to avoid paying the bill.
3.       Criminal ID Theft: Someone arrested using identification under your name to avoid prosecution.
4.       ID card theft: Using your Identification such as a driver’s license to get an SSN, credit, etc in your name.
5.       Social Security Number and Identity Theft: someone uses your social security card to avoid paying taxes on earnings or even to draw social security benefits in your name.
6.       Synthetic Identity theft: Probably the newest form of ID theft, someone takes various bits of information from different people to create a completely new identity.
7.       Child Identity Theft: Stealing the social security number of a child to have a blank slate for a fresh start credit-wise.

Signs You Might be a Victim of Identity Theft

Almost 9 million people were victims of one type or another of identity theft last year. It can happen to anyone of us, in fact, you could be a victim already and not even be aware of it.  If you see any of the following, it could be an indication your identity has been compromised.
1.       Your credit score is inexplicably lower than it should be.
2.       You have either been denied credit or gotten credit only at higher than normal interest.
3.       Your credit report contains incorrect personal information or debt that you did not incur. 
4.       Collection attempts for credit accounts you never authorized.
5.       Receiving credit cards for which you never applied.
6.       Missing mail—even bills.

Any of these things happening should make you aware that there is a possibility you have been victimized by an identity thief.

Help Preventing ID Theft

Identity theft is scary and can wreak havoc in your life. Unlike other types of crime, the burden of proof is on you.  It only makes sense to take advantage of professional help to safeguard your most precious asset…who you are…your identity.  Legal-Yogi can provide the services and benefits that only the best identity theft companies in the business can give you.  You can literally have expert professional help at your fingertips 24 hours a day; 365 days a year with Legal-Yogi.  All you need to do is fill out the online forms provided on the Legal-Yogi.com website to get all the information you need on what Legal-yogi can do for you, and get the ball rolling, so they can work for you.  There is no obligation what-so-ever, so why wait? Get started today protecting your identity and your future.